Forestry and Environmental Mapping

Government departments, forestry companies, and environmentalists are using Dimap’s multi-sensor solutions for:

Environmental Mapping:

  • Statistical and full area forestry inventory data collection in plantation and structured forests
  • Calibrated above and below biomass, carbon, and stock estimation mapping in managed and unmanaged forests
  • Early-stage pest detection based on vegetation health parameters
  • Mapping of vegetation communities and habitat structures including, aquatic systems
  • Mapping of pollution scenarios
  • Change analysis and regular mapping of risk areas (e.g. injection bore fields)
  • Emergency mapping of disaster scenarios including fast-track processing to vector
  • Hydrology mapping and water flow models including mapping of hydrocarbon and chemical pollutions
  • Pipeline leakage detection
  • Energy rating of buildings and infrastructure
  • Heat island analysis in urban structures including microclimate calculations based on 3-dimensional air flow models

Forestry Support:

  • Statistical and full area forestry inventory data collection in plantation and structured forests
  • Calibrated biomass, carbon, and stock estimation mapping in managed and unmanaged forests
  • Individual tree detection including species, health, and growth analysis
  • Infrastructure mapping and planning of maintenance and harvesting activities based on detailed spatial data
  • Early-stage pest detection based on vegetation health parameters



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